Defect Diagnosis

Meadow Consultants offer a Specific Assessment Report & Inspection with a number of defects. With 30 years combined experience, we are ideally placed to assist with defect diagnosis.

Whether it be a minor or major concern, a basic inspection will enable us to advise clients of the most likely cause. Depending on the defect at hand, detailed defect diagnosis advice will be provided to identify the root cause of the problem and which remedy is best suited. For more complex and hidden issues, we will instruct the relevant specific investigation to identify the defect at hand.

Meadow Consultants are regularly instructed by clients to provide an initial defect diagnosis inspection service to gauge the severity of the matter prior to taking unnecessary measures. This enables clients to avoid sometimes avoidable intrusive investigation and increased costs associated with inappropriate or poorly specified repairs.

Issues of concern commonly referred to us:

Damp Issues


Wet/Dry Rot


Roof Issues

Cracking to property/ Subsidence

Rendering Issues

Workmanship Concerns

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