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Our Carbon Footprint

The current climate crisis is one of the most pressing issues of our time. At Meadow Consultants we believe it is our duty to take action and aid in the reversal of the severe impacts greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have had on our planet.

We have a responsibility within the Insurance and Surveying sector to take the initiative with bold actions to reduce our GHG emissions within our operations and day to day business, hopefully encouraging fellow surveyors to do the same in the process and providing assurances to our valued clients, such as yourselves, that we are doing all we can in reducing our carbon footprint.

We are proud to have teamed up with Our Carbon ( who have helped us calculate our current total carbon footprint as well as helping put a plan in place to reduce and offset our emissions. We have entered into a Carbon Offset Solution provided by Our Carbon and are proud to advise we are Net Neutral via the purchase of Biochar tokens and engaging in the Liangdu Afforestation Project in China, planting native species over 23,000 hectares.

Our current footprint report can be viewed here

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